Thursday, February 24, 2011

Epiphone Et 270 For Sale

Griottes, Parme et Gruyère

... or, tart cherries, parma ham and gruyere.

you enjoy? I'm honest I was a po'scettica at first, but I said to myself: "When skepticism and the initial hesitation in bringing or not a specific ingredient (which often results in doubt as disruptive) in my recipe is the secret ingredient that, so far, allowed me to invent new and ever more unusual combinations.
I love to experiment, you already know, and I also have a soft spot for the wild sweet-savory combinations, I like to impress, not just read all think cherry pie with a sweet, whereas the sweet creaminess of Gruyère after cooking, along with the sweetness (salt) of Parma ham match perfectly with the cherry, sweet with a pronounced sour note at the end that characterizes tutta la realizzazione ed è lì che nasce in voi il dubbio e la curiosità di provarla.
Nonostante sia presto per la merenda ne ho addentato un pezzo, spinta più che dalla fame, dalla curiosità di far sentire al palato questa nuova sinfonia di gusti..e sapete cosa? mi piace, l'impasto è morbido e umido non secco, i sapori si fondono tra loro e si riesce a distinguerli tutti, nessuno prevarica l'altro e ognuno di loro concorre a farvi trovare, per poco, un piccolo pezzetto di paradiso.

Ingredienti e dosi per 3 tortini

50 g butter 90 g of flour "00"
50 ml milk 1 egg yolk +1
15 g Gruyère
1 slice and 1 / 2 of parma ham, cut into strips
7 / 8
Fabbri cherries 1 teaspoon baking powder for pies
salt and pepper to taste

Begin to preheat the oven to 180 ° C.
Grease and flour 3 molds (I used 3 cylinders, the size is what you see in the picture), set aside.
Melt the butter over a gentle heat, when the egg is fully incorporated melted more egg yolk, milk, salt and pepper and beat well with the help of a whip (by hand).
Sift flour with baking powder, then add to the butter mixture and eggs and mix well.
Pour all ingredients last, first the cheese, then ham, then cut to half the cherries.
Pour the mixture into the molds, fill them 3 / 4 full and bake at 180 degrees for 20 minutes, then lower the temperature to 160 degrees for 30 minutes.
Serve warm. ;)

With this recipe I participate in the contest Fab cuts and grooves

.. and also the contest of Clare and Angela
Amarena love my


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