Saturday, March 12, 2011

Cheep Metal Core Wheels For Sale

Crusted monkfish on a bed of creamed potatoes with rosemary

I wandered around on the internet for two days looking for a good recipe for monkfish ... and I must say that in addition to the recipe Lori Roby and no other was able to convince me. .. but I decided to act on its own say .. po'd'estro trying to put together a creative and a bit 'of good taste (which never hurts) and came out a morsel of fish soft inside and dignity crispy outside, accompanied by a creamy sauce of creamy potatoes mashed creamy .. a sort of built cold, flavored with rosemary.
So I liked it.
I hope you like it too.

Ingredienti e dosi per 4 persone

Per i bocconcini di pesce

500 g di rana pescatrice
farina q.b.
2 uova
pangrattato q.b.

Per la crema di patate

4 patate medie lessate
20 g di olio d'oliva
50 ml di panna fresca
70 ml di latte intero
sale e pepe q.b
rosmarino sminuzzato finemente

Riducete la pescatrice a cubetti o piccoli pezzetti ( da me ci ha pensato il pescivendolo) quindi dapprima infarinatela, poi passatela nelle uova sbattute con un pizzico di sale, quindi impanatele col pangrattato e tenetele da parte. (friggetele in olio d'arachidi caldo sino a doratura appena un momento prima di servirle).
Preparate quindi la crema di patate, è semplicissima, veloce e altrettanto squisita.
Lessate le patate, una volta pronte schiacciatele con la forchetta e riducetele ben in poltiglia.
A questo punto riponetele in un recipiente con i bordi alti e passatele al minipimer dopo aver aggiunto l'olio e la panna.
Una volta incorporati questi due ingredienti unite il latte e regolate di sale.
Unite per ultimo il rosmarino tagliato finissimo.
Servite i trancetti di pescatrice croccanti su un bel letto di crema tiepida.
Più semplice di così!
Baci a tutti!

Why Is Gillette Clinical Strength Deodorant Bad?

clafoutis of peas, beans and bacon

Ingredients for 4-6 people

130 g peas 130 g of fresh beans
75 g of bacon
1 fresh onion
125 ml of fresh cream
125 ml of whole milk 4 eggs
55 g of flour extra virgin olive oil salt and pepper

Peel the beans and put them aside.
Preheat oven to 180 ° C.
In a pan heat three tablespoons olive oil and let dry the sliced \u200b\u200bonion before.
Then add peas, toast them well, then season with salt and add the bacon.
Add half cup water and cook for 10 minutes.
In a bowl sift the flour, eggs, and in another open so you can whip together a meal on the wire.
So always wire together the milk and cream, salt and pepper.
When the peas are already cooked, flame off, add the beans and incorporate the rest of the filling.
In a first paid cocottina peas with bacon and beans, then add a ladle with the batter of eggs, milk and cream.
Continue to cook at 180 ° C for about 30 minutes.
Serve warm.

With this recipe I participate in the contest "AboutFood" - "Peas and beans"

Thursday, March 10, 2011

How Do You Write A Will Examples

discs of dried fruit, chocolate and apricot

As they say .. when a Dolcino born by chance ...

Ingredients for discs

100 g flour 150 g sugar
50 g of potato starch
200 g dark chocolate 70%
5 egg yolks
150 g egg whites 120 g of butter
4 g of baking powder for cakes
50 g pecan
50 g pistachios

Perla coverage

200 g of dark chocolate
25 g of butter 1 tablespoon glucose syrup

Per la finitura 

200 g di passata di albicocche
10 albicocche sciroppate 

Preparate la base alla frutta secca:

Preriscaldate il forno a 180°C.
Dividete lo zucchero in due parti e con una montate dapprima gli albumi mentre con la rimanente metà montate i tuorli sino a farli diventare soffici e chiari.
Setacciate la farina insieme alla fecola e al lievito e mettete da parte.
Coarsely chopped nuts and set aside.
Melt the chocolate in a double boiler with butter and when everything is mixed well incorporate it mounted to the yolks and sugar.
Mix well with a hard rubber spatula, then add gradually the flour.
Incorporate the egg whites last.
casting the resulting mixture on a roasting pan covered with parchment paper and bake at 180 degrees for the first 10 minutes, then lower it temperature to 160 ° and continue cooking for another 25 minutes.

Once cooked allow to cool well and pairs of disks of cake.
On each spread a light veil of pureed apricot.
I've placed them in the freezer for 10 minutes then I started to prepare the glaze by melting the ingredients in a water bath. Take
discs, place them on a wire rack resting on a baking sheet and sprinkle with the chocolate icing.
Let them dry, then decorate as desired with chopped apricot and chocolate decorations.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Wooden Sores For

Bomboloni nutella

.... Donuts or changed!

Ingredients and doses (about 20 donuts)

1 kg flour 400 W (high protein)
2 eggs + 2 yolks
25 g of fresh yeast
2 medium potatoes boiled
250 g of milk
a pinch of salt
grated rind of an orange
the juice of two oranges
1 cup of brandy

For the filling

200 g Nutella

un'impastatrice that you have or not is certainly not easy to make a cake.
The items of the chef, very clear about it, describe the essence of the eggs and fry just for the success of the classic sweet breakfast.
flour (I used the Manitoba tale, reinforced the U.S. with 12.5% \u200b\u200bprotein per 100 g) the reason shown by him is that, since the quantity of eggs used must be high enough will need to use a flour to absorb it all absolutely right, so with a "power" W high.
You start by mixing flour, sugar and yeast dissolved in warm milk and orange peel.
After that you incorporate the eggs (already existing routes and just beaten) several times, the juice of two oranges and mashed potatoes (or goes past with potatoes), ie a first parte sino ad ottenere un composto liscio, la seconda parte successivamente dopo.
Lo chef mette l'accento sul fatto che queste non devono essere versate tutte insieme perchè così facendo otterremo una massa liquida e non ben legata e ben incordata.

Unite solo alla fine il sale, e non dimenticatelo, perchè costituisce un'elemento importante nella fase di lievitazione del bombolone.
Quando l'impasto sarà pronto avvolgetelo riponetelo al caldo e fatelo riposare per 2 ore.
Trascorso questo tempo stendete su di un piano da lavoro l'impasto sino a raggiungere lo spessore di 2/3 cm.
this cup in your donuts, mind you, do not make the balls, because doing so during cooking will not develop the typical white collar of the donut. (The ball rolls over itself, while the pasta coppata ago that you cook first on one side, then the other, allowing the collar to grow).
Flour a baking sheet and arrange over the donuts, and after holding back with film paper let rise one hour and three quarters in warm atmosphere.
As for frying, oil temperature, the unusual feature (the chef recommends olive oil or lard).
The donuts, fried in oil at 160 ° C warming is descending, that is, do not throw in the oil that rises in temperature, first you heat the oil and move the fry pan where the donuts in a smaller fire always having the foresight to keep the flame.
Once cooked, let it cool a second and plunge immediately into the sugar.
Excellent alone, the gas tank provides a variety of fillings ... the choice is yours ...

What To Wear With Red Sneakers

We speak to? Le petit dejeuner d'

... for the last day of Carnival and all women.

Ingredients for 500 g

500 g flour 50 g lard / butter
the grated rind of one lemon 4 eggs untreated
100 g of sugar

peanut oil for frying
oppure procedete con la cottura in forno

Niente di più semplice. Impastate a mano (o con un robot da cucina) tutti gli ingredienti sino ad ottenere una palla d'impasto ben omogenea. Lasciate quindi riposare per mezz'ora.
Trascorso questo tempo prendete la pasta, dividetela in più pezzi, quindi con l'aiuto di un tira sfoglia o un mattarello stendete la pasta raggiungendo lo spessore che più vi aggrada.
Quindi con una rotellina da pasta ricavate le vostre chiacchiere dando loro le forme che più vi piacciono.
A questo punto scegliete se privilegiare la cottura al forno (210° per 12-15 minuti) o friggerli in abbondante olio d'arachidi ben hot.
Terminate sprinkle with plenty of sugar.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

North Face Denali Jacket Breast Cancer

aujourd hui ..

... croissants browsed pastry chef Luca Montersino

Ingredients for 50 croissants

For lievitino

225 g water 500 g of flour "00"
70 g of fresh yeast (which is the total of the whole recipe)

For the dough 300 g caster sugar 150 g

butter 450 g egg
300 g of fresh whole milk

30 g salt 40 g of malt powder (or 40 grams of acacia honey)
1 kg of strong flour (high protein) "0" to the folds

750 g of butter for folds

For a detailed explanation of the procedure, I leave you the link of the video available on youtube master Luca Montersino

Third Party

He will undoubtedly be more clear and comprehensive to me.
you do just a little note: in graphics at the time of the weight of the ingredients indicated for the mixture shows the dose of 1 kg of flour type "00".
I do not know whether it is correct since during the explanation of the chef emphasizes the importance of using a protein-rich meal and then a strong view of the high level of liquid formed from the eggs.
However, I have used for the dough, just flour type "0" and croissants came delicious crisp crust and soft on the inside.

For finishing:

300 g apricot jam.

Saturday, March 5, 2011

What Type Of Hair Does Meagan Good Wear

Panna cotta with crunchy crust and caramel apricot

Ingredients for 15 people

For the panna cotta:

500 ml of fresh cream
75 g caster sugar
a Tahitian vanilla bean
3 sheets of gelatin

see recipe for pastry: shortcrust recipe
For the caramel you need:

200 g caster sugar
20 g of pureed apricot


icing sugar mint leaves

Prepare the panna cotta, place in cold water to soak the sheets of gelatin for 10 minutes.
Put the cream in a saucepan over low heat and once it starts to smoke add the sugar.
Mix with the help of a whisk well to dissolve sugar, then when the cream will reach the threshold of the boil, turn off the heat and squeeze the gelatine, add to the mixture and stir with a whisk more vigorously.
In a separate pan start to caramelize sugar, initially starting with small amounts and then gradually increase that will melt more easily. When you're ready
drip in silicone molds and let dry at room temperature.
Dealt to this point, with the help of a spoon the apricot jam over the caramel and then become solid colatevi over the panna cotta to cool and store in refrigerator for 3 hours.
With the pastry derived forms that recall the same shape of the molds in which you cast the panna cotta.
Mount your cake by placing one disk on which the panna cotta lying two crunchy caramel apricot, then ending with cookie crust un altro croccante di caramello.

Friday, March 4, 2011

Piano Sheet Music Joby Talbot The Kiss

Île floating

Che meraviglia di dessert!! Se mai vi è venuta voglia di mangiare/toccare una nuvola questo fa proprio per voi!
La base del dolce è una classica crema inglese, per la realizzazione della quale mi sono affidata alla ricetta del maestro M.Santin, mentre l'isola "galleggiante" è costituita dal una soffice quenelle di albume e zucchero montati a neve e cotti in acqua calda, che sfiora appena il bollore.
Everything will be completed with a grain of toasted almonds and caramel baked dry.

For the custard (from a recipe by Maurizio Santin)

700 g cream 300 g of fresh whole milk
200 g egg yolks 100 g caster sugar

In a small saucepan put in warm milk and cream.
together the egg yolks in a bowl (just break it) and add sugar, stirring with the aid of a whip, still trying to incorporate as little air as possible.
When milk and cream are well caldi versateli sulle uova amalgamate bene e rimettete tutto sul fuoco portando ad una temperatura di 82-83°C, quindi filtrate il tutto e omogeneizzate con un mixer da immersione.
Versate la crema nelle ciotole o nei bicchieri e mettete in frigo a riposare.

Per le "Îles" vi occorrono

100 g di albumi
50 g di zucchero

Montate a neve le chiare con lo zucchero e quando avrete ottenuto una massa ben soda formate delle quenelles che metterete in acqua calda al limite della bollitura a cuocere 1 minuto per lato.
Adagiate le quenelles, una per ogni coppa, e procedete quindi a preparare il caramello.
I've prepared a dry, that is using only sugar, otherwise the alternative is to prepare the caramel with sugar and water with these doses:

250 g sugar 100 g water 150 g
syrup glucose

follow this procedure: recipe caramel

Completed with a dusting of granulated or flaked almonds.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

1984- The Song The Prole Woman Sings

Review of Under a moon powder extracts

E’ comparsa una recensione di Sotto una luna in polvere su The neXT Station, scritta da Alex Tonelli, che ha anche selezionato dieci mie poesie, tratte dal libro, nella sua rubrica. Tonelli principalmente indaga il mio rapporto con il movimento del Connettivismo, mostrando le affinità e le divergenze. L’articolo s’intitola Ettore Fobo: nuovi panorami da osservare . Per leggere tutto, potete cliccare sopra il link. Grazie dell’attenzione.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Best Wedding Sales Letter Ever

Comunicato Sogno Cavese

Dream Cavese elect their own bodies and associations to rally supporters eaglets

Friday, March 4, 2011, at 20:30 at the Horizon Club Lounge in the past of Cava de 'Tirreni, the association's Dream Cavese will meet with all of his associates, for the election of new Board of Statutory Auditors and the Board of Arbitrators, and the appointment of their chairmen.

will be an important time to take stock of these first 9 months of membership during which Dream Cavese has made huge strides along the path outlined the Constituent Assembly on July 2 last year. Numerous charitable and social initiatives, many ideas and give birth and implemented major projects to complete, with the sole purpose of realizing the dream of all the eagles fans to become part of the life of your favorite team.

These elections come at the dawn of a crucial stage, during which Dream Cavese will take a major step toward that dream. Therefore, all members are earnestly invited to attend the Meeting of Friday, March 4. For those who have not yet done so, it will be possible, at this home, renew your membership and sign up new members, of course, before the vote. The members unable to attend may delegate a third person (associated Cavese Dream) through a module that will receive via e-mail (or download it here ). Given the time of particular difficulty football, Dream Cavese aims to achieve the highest involvement of eagles fans, to get everyone together towards the realization of a dream.

Association Dream Cavese

President pt

Francesco Bove

Manual For Eml Series E100 Motion Sensor Lights

Recognition Liebster Blog

With Julia "CookingGiulia" the prize for "virtual" certainly appreciated!

Participants must follow three rules:

1) Accept the award and write a post about
2) Choose from 3 to 5 blogs that you like and you want to know by informing them who received the prize
3) Link the post to the person who sent it to you
The 5 blogs I have chosen are:
2) an appetite for reading Saretta
3) FeelCook di Roby e Loris
4) La tana del coniglio di Eka
5) Il gattoghiotto della mitica Ambra

A loro va tutta la mia simpatia e il mio affetto...
Ringraziando nuovamente Giulia per il pensiero mando un abbraccio a tutti!!

Is Arrid Extra Dry A Good Anti-perspirant?

1 year with the Bistro ..

Già..un'anno fa nasceva Bistrot .. found its way into a passion fueled by a growing desire to learn .. modesty is not mine, I think m'apparterrà ever but I think I made progress, improvements, discoveries, if you go to experience .. see the first creations of the bistro (which is affectionately) consider you to be alone ... together with a passion for cooking and especially for the pastry has found another place my predisposition let us say, hitherto dormant in art history books .... the world of photography.
I love the concept of image, its evocative power has always fascinated me, is able to communicate not only through its shape but also through its colors and lights, quite able to capture and convey an emotion, a memory, and language through a style unique and original way to pass on to those who come after us ...
Inside a 'picture is the story of a taste, a taste, a combination again, a brilliant discovery ... I do not have children yet but I know it will come, and everything I learned and the passion that you I put (often not without disappointment and anger) is here for them because a passion so great a love can not fail to be great.
Happy 1st birthday bistro!

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

3 Days Of Spotting Severe Abdominal Pain

Call for changes to defense of PV DL

For several months the discussion of the legislative decree transposing EU directives for the promotion of renewable sources. Friday afternoon was made public a draft that provides for a surprise the following text to Article 23, paragraph 11 d):
with effect from 1 January 2014 the energy bill is repealed. In the case of early achievement of specific objective for solar photovoltaics, set at 8,000 MW for 2020 is suspended the allocation of incentives for more production from solar photovoltaic until it is determined by decree of the Minister of Economic Development, to be taken in consultation with the Minister of the Environment of the sea, heard the Joint Conference of new policy objectives and means of achievement;
What can we do

Copy and paste the following text to send an email to those responsible for drafting and approving the DL on renewable

segreteria.capogabinetto @; ufficio.stampa @;
segreteria.ministro @; ufficio.legislativo @ ; ; ;;

Inserendo nell'oggetto:

URGENTE: Appello per modifica DL Rinnovabili a difesa del fotovoltaico

Perché dobbiamo evitare che venga approvato il testo che sospende gli incentivi una volta raggiunto il tetto degli 8.000 MWp
Being expected to reach the 8,000 already MWp by summer (between connected devices and being connected we are already about 7 GWp) such a test would lead to:

  1. an immediate block on the part of banks to finance new plants because the connection times are still long and uncertain and therefore can not be sure to return in the last 1,000 MWp available
  2. a result of the stop market and the inevitable crisis of companies in the sector


I ask to change the text on photovoltaics, DL in the transposition of directives Community for the promotion of renewable sources, to ensure continuity for the sector.
achieved the objective of 8,000 MWp is absolutely inadmissible to the suspension of incentives without first having defined under the new incentive.
Photovoltaics employs tens of thousands people in Italy and 2010 Italian companies active in photovoltaics have achieved a total turnover of about Euro 40 billion, contributing to national GDP to more than 2%, no PV GDP would decline in 2010 compared to 2009 and less revenue Italian Treasury for 2 billion euros.

If you work in the field add the following text, filling it with the missing numbers:

If you own: My
company operates in the photovoltaic X people and this year will pay X Euros di tasse allo Stato Italiano grazie al Conto Energia.

Se sei un dipendente:

Lavoro in un'azienda che opera nel fotovoltaico. Senza il Conto Energia sarei probabilmente uno dei tanti disoccupati italiani.
Se ha a cuore il bene del Paese (lavoro, bilancio dello Stato, ambiente) deve lavorare per stralciare dal DL lo scellerato articolo 23 comma 11 lettera d).

In fede,

Name Last Name