While I created my pencil-box-door I went against different problemini and unfortunate events that happen when you have to do with the "sewing".
So I decided to talk about it, to help me (to remember) and you do not commit to at least try to avoid them if ever you find yourself having to sew something. Some
regulate seemingly trivial but I think quite important, affecting the sewing machine and sewing in general, are: •
wire into the sewing machine : When do you need to start sewing so that the main line (not the coil to be clear) is quite long, because as soon as this is when the pedal the machine tends to withdraw a bit, 'and it often happens that begins to sew "empty" and touches you rinfilare the wire!
• Make sure you have room
around you may seem obvious but when we get to work the machine is normal gradually accumulate more and more trinkets and knick-knacks, from fili sfusi ai ritagli di stoffa: tutto ciò rischia di attaccarsi alle maniche o rimanere incastrato tra le dita e finire sul lavoro che stiamo facendo, o comunque dare tanto fastidio.
lo scucirino • Ci sono, però, due cose fondamentali da avere sempre a portata di mano:
le forbici e lo scucirino . Dal momento che alla fine di ogni cucitura dovete tagliare il filo è impensabile non avere un paio di forbici per fare il tutto con velocità e precisione..spesso ce le dimentichiamo su un altro tavolo o comunque lontano dalla macchina, e se siete pigroni come me vi farà sicuramente fatica raggiungere tale meta per prenderle, and you'll find yourself trying to rip the wires by hand TERIBBILE! Besides it is pretty hard work because there is harmful to the risk of pulling a long wire and screw it up in no time at all. The other object is the magic scucirino and serves as its name says, to "shell out" quickly. If you have sewn wrong and you'll notice immediately take the scucirino quickly and easily have removed the entire seam.
• Needle and thread : a very important thing when you baste it (ie when, with a basting thread, is sewn by hand the two sides of fabric to be sewn by machine and then, in order to hold them and to sew in right place) .. I was saying, when you sketched a very important thing is the length of the wire! Initially one may think of choosing to put the longer cord so you do not have to change too often .. ERRORISSIMO! Very well make a thread not too short, but need not be absolutely fine if it's too long, because durerete double the effort! In fact, the long wire is more difficult to "manage", rolled up and tie with an impressive ease and above all you'll have to do the "arms" like to swim close to the point .. well, it will be much faster and more accurate work done changing one or two times the thread .. and then there is the proverb:
" long spire, seamstress coarse " • Scissors : sewing I need to have at least two pairs of scissors, a couple normal or children, such as those in the nails, it will also cut protruding wires or small pieces of fabric or of what we're working on. A couple from a seamstress or however big (mine are just a rather large pair of scissors made by IKEA, are not specific but they are very good seamstress) to cut the fabric, because if you try to cut with ordinary scissors is the end .. apart from the fact that it will take forever and then you will not be able to do a clean job and accurate!
• Another very important thing to have is the
pincushion! The pins are so thin and small that it is very easy to spread it everywhere and, resting them on a plan, you risk having to throw them down and do a search with a magnifying glass to find them (and they are also rather sparse so dangerous on the floor ..). So a tip pins is ideal, they stuck them over there and when you need it! Also I prefer the pins with the "colored text" because they are easier to handle and, in the event fall, is a bit 'easier to find them!
• Last but not least: the Polytechnic of Milan when I made my first sewing course we have explained the various "rules" that existed in the laboratory (not sew your fingers, do not run with scissors in hand, etc. etc.) and one thing very important was the fact
not work with an empty stomach or with the eyelid downward ! In the sense that if you're working on the car and feel a bit the classic gurgling of the stomach is better if you stop, do a little snack break and then return to work: when you do this type of work or where precision is needed , concentration and attention (we're still working with sewing machines, should not be underestimated in terms di pericolosità) è molto importante essere sempre a mente lucida e la fame è uno dei fattori che influenza negativamente la nostra concentrazione! La stessa cosa vale per la stanchezza: se è tanto tempo che lavori e hai gli occhi affaticati o la schiena a pezzi per essere stato ore e ore nella solita posizione, pigia il tasto pausa, vatti a fare una giratina e poi torna a lavoro!
Spero che questi tips siano stati utili, non sono certo finiti qui, ma tornerò più in la sull’argomento!
xoxo Ire