Sunday, November 7, 2010

What Do You Need To Drive An Ambulette

Cavese - Viareggio 2-0

The Cavese still wins and wins his third consecutive victory that allows him to recover three points dei cinque che gli sono stati tolti in settimana. La squadra ha dimostrato ancora una volta tanta caparbietà, grinta e voglia di vincere. Anche oggi vanno fatti i complimenti alla difesa aquilotta, che è riuscita a non prendere gol e a subire pochissimi pericoli dalle parti di Pane. Nonostante la penalizzazione, i ragazzi non si sono demoralizzati e hanno continuato a credere in quello che stanno facendo pensando soltanto a fare risultati e a salvarsi sul campo. BENE COSI'!!!
Quest'oggi c'è stata al "Lamberti" anche una maggiore affluenza grazie all'iniziativa dell'associazione "Sogno Cavese" di concedere buoni sconto ai ragazzini delle elementari e ai ragazzi delle scuole medie e superiori. Inoltre Today marks the 28th anniversary of the fantastic and historic victory at the San Siro against AC Milan great. To commemorate that day, yesterday at the event organized by the South Bend Catello Mari and always from the former Dream Cavese ONPI participated Metelliana many fans young and old, who, with some players of this splendid company recalled with video, photos and stories that magical atmosphere that you lived in Quarry that day and beyond.

Returning to today's match, the Caves and took the lead at 36 'with Captain Antonio Schetter from the left that he kicked the door to mocking the goalkeeper, who could do more. The first half ended 1-0.
In the second half the eagles have closed the game at 61 'when Schetter earned a penalty kick. The floppy has been surprisingly Victor Bernard, who has pierced the door with a beautiful "spoon." Until the end of the unraced Cavese no danger, even in the final race he tried to score the third goal came with the new Turienzo, which sent the ball in the head 'corner, but rejected Pinsoglio great.
At the end of the race, all to celebrate under the curve!!


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