Monday, October 18, 2010

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VI VOGLIAMO COSI'!!!!!!!!!!!!

gritty, snarling, rabid, arrembante. It 's so that we would ever see our beloved Cavese when it falls in the middle of the field, just like it happened yesterday in Barletta. Maybe we missed an adjective, meaning "crazy" because a game so incredible, with the result of 3-3, were years that saw her. In 45 minutes it happened pretty much everything, almost to risk a cuddly biancoblù supporters present yesterday in that Barletta. At the end of the race, the happier we were just us fans rejoice for a last-second goal after a game like that, really is priceless and will transmit only a gioia incontenibile. Ieri è stato come se in campo fossero scesi gli stessi tifosi, perchè i nostri ragazzi hanno gettato letteralmente il cuore oltre l'ostacolo in inferiorità numerica, non mollando mai e dimostrando il loro grandissimo attaccamento alla casacca blufoncè.
La scossa è arrivata dal solito indomabile capitano Antonio Schetter, partito dalla panchina perchè acciaccato, ma col suo ingresso in campo ha creato scompigli tra la difesa avversaria portando la Cavese al gol in tre occasioni, infatti è stato sempre protagonista nelle azioni dei gol. "Schetterino" ormai è l'anima di questa squadra a tutti gli effetti anche perchè ama troppo questa città, questi tifosi, che in tutti questi years have shown so much affection and he is returning to the great as it has done ....... TONINO GREAT!! A
also applaud the fact Camillo Ciano, who last acted like a man from the penalty area, helping once again with a double, the double comeback biancoblù.

This team played well, it's bad, it's gritty, it is fun, not only showed yesterday, but in previous games, so this means that if we continue like this, the results will come to us and we can also save the penalty that will come. We trust the coach and the boys all knew that there would be to suffer; do not abandon this team, we continue to support it, so, together, we take off a lot of satisfaction !!!!!
CAVES UNDER !!!!!!! Sunday ALL STAGE !!!!!!


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