Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Model Train Fo Beginers .com

Sel, Idv e Fds per il futuro centrosinistra

Aversa The center-left needs to renew itself, speaking of content and specific projects, not by building alliances with those who shared a table with the political responsibilities of government in the last ten years. "
These are the first public statements by representatives of ecology and freedom Left, led by national co-ordinator Nicola Goliath, of 'Italy of Values \u200b\u200b , Salvatore cell, and Federation of the Left, Rosa de Luca, who met yesterday, January 4, at the headquarters town of Vendoliani, in Rossini Aversa.
Respecting the autonomy of each - are still the leaders of three parties - as soon as we consider necessary to promote joint initiatives on specific topics of broad interest to citizens Aversana. Above all, we want to make an appeal to the Democratic Party, pending with the Congress, define the national policy for the near future, so that it can, as soon as possible, a working group of the center, expanded to the movements and associations necessary to start the comparison in view of the next elections in 2012.


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