Sunday, March 28, 2010

Difference Between Johnson And Evinrude ?

but how beautiful UP !!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!! * __ * aaaaawwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
I just finished watching my absolute favorite animated Disney / Pixar! soo cute!
Although you should always cry at every cartoon I watch Dx

Today I fulfilled my duty as a citizen going to vote in the afternoon and I have done my duty as a fashionista going to spend! Here are my purchases:

leather jacket in caramel color by FASHION (a new shop in Via Panzani)

neckline salmon decidedly kitsch H & M

two glazes: a grass green (No. 296) and a canary yellow (No. 279) by KIKO
tonight I "wear" the green one .. under the eyes a little disgusted with my father ..

absolutely happy with the purchases, but above all very proud of my tires quilted with Snoopy print American Flag that is very vintage - and in fact it is xD - do not remember it for how many years is in my possession (at least a 20in)!

chatting with dad jumped out of the idea to stop skating to start a new sport or something and finally or express in words what I thought until recently could remain solo un'idea: frequentare un corso di balli latino-americani!!
dan dan dan daaaan
non era così straordinaria come cosa..però non riuscivo a realizzarla perchè sono talmente attaccata ai miei stivaletti con le rotelle che faccio fatica a pensare di abbandonarli per sempre TT__TT
Però sta diventando una spesa eccessiva e dal momento che non lo faccio piu a livello agonistico e ormai con i pochi allenamenti che mi ricordo di fare (si a volte - spesso - mi dimentico di andarci..) non posso piu di tanto migliorare.

E poi mi è sempre piaciuto ballare e il latino americano, mi sa tanto di divertimento (cosa di cui io ho un GRANDISSIMO bisogno ora!) quindi mi sono messa alla ricerca school of dance where did these courses: I have almost ruled out the gym .. I know that there are often courses in Latin American, but having already had experience with hip hop and dance, I realize that some courses are far-fetched (at least from what I saw) .. but the web I found very little. In my area (northern Florence) I found a course at the Ki Dojo in Viale Corsica, which is called generically " Caribbean dance" and includes salsa merengue and bachata. The remainder of the vacuum more total. So tomorrow I'm going to inform the Dojo and price for general info and I'll keep looking.
If any of you know by chance a job / school / gym nearby that reliable face during these dances, let me know (Pleaseeeeee)!

I think a good dancer Caribbean is the right person to console a little heart broken xD xoxo


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