Sunday, March 28, 2010
Difference Between Johnson And Evinrude ?
but how beautiful UP !!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!! * __ * aaaaawwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
I just finished watching my absolute favorite animated Disney / Pixar! soo cute!
Although you should always cry at every cartoon I watch Dx
Today I fulfilled my duty as a citizen going to vote in the afternoon and I have done my duty as a fashionista going to spend! Here are my purchases:
leather jacket in caramel color by FASHION (a new shop in Via Panzani)
neckline salmon decidedly kitsch H & M
two glazes: a grass green (No. 296) and a canary yellow (No. 279) by KIKO
tonight I "wear" the green one .. under the eyes a little disgusted with my father ..
absolutely happy with the purchases, but above all very proud of my tires quilted with Snoopy print American Flag that is very vintage - and in fact it is xD - do not remember it for how many years is in my possession (at least a 20in)!
chatting with dad jumped out of the idea to stop skating to start a new sport or something and finally or express in words what I thought until recently could remain solo un'idea: frequentare un corso di balli latino-americani!!
dan dan dan daaaan
non era così straordinaria come cosa..però non riuscivo a realizzarla perchè sono talmente attaccata ai miei stivaletti con le rotelle che faccio fatica a pensare di abbandonarli per sempre TT__TT
Però sta diventando una spesa eccessiva e dal momento che non lo faccio piu a livello agonistico e ormai con i pochi allenamenti che mi ricordo di fare (si a volte - spesso - mi dimentico di andarci..) non posso piu di tanto migliorare.
E poi mi è sempre piaciuto ballare e il latino americano, mi sa tanto di divertimento (cosa di cui io ho un GRANDISSIMO bisogno ora!) quindi mi sono messa alla ricerca school of dance where did these courses: I have almost ruled out the gym .. I know that there are often courses in Latin American, but having already had experience with hip hop and dance, I realize that some courses are far-fetched (at least from what I saw) .. but the web I found very little. In my area (northern Florence) I found a course at the Ki Dojo in Viale Corsica, which is called generically " Caribbean dance" and includes salsa merengue and bachata. The remainder of the vacuum more total. So tomorrow I'm going to inform the Dojo and price for general info and I'll keep looking.
If any of you know by chance a job / school / gym nearby that reliable face during these dances, let me know (Pleaseeeeee)!
I think a good dancer Caribbean is the right person to console a little heart broken xD xoxo
Saturday, March 27, 2010
What Is The Name Of Strongest Car Subwoofer
" A cat always comes when you call. Unless you have something better to do "
Bill Adler
When a person hears about" cat show at the Fortezza da Basso "tends to figure out who knows what a beautiful, large and interesting exhibition about the cat ..
was neither good nor great, nor much less interesting! All nations united in the room to watch (and do not touch!) a bunch of poor cats asleep in their cages and exclaim tiritela of a "oooooooooooooh" and "checcarinooooooo" and again "that dolceeeeeeee"
etc etc. Then of course you can take home some expensive gadget, from organic food to toys covered with feathers, climbing up the path that you can easily put you in the ass because in a normal house of a normal family does not even enter into the living room ... and after all the cats do not even like to go over, for those who have had cats, like myself, can understand what I'm talking about. So a sadness
unique setting, 5 or 6 different breeds in all (the Birman has depopulated) and lots of bored faces. Including mine.
of respect for poor people who have had to endure this stress, I never did well to make the photos of animals in a cage .. I never liked! But I could not resist and bought two toys: two spherical cages containing white mice, each with a bell attached, two gifts for the cats to my aunt.
To retrieve a smile and make sense of this afternoon we went out, me, my father and my sister, to take a shake chioschino on the famous boulevards.
Because if you want to Florence take a good shake them go.
I can never finish it, you have brought a bucket, but the taste definitely me today - like all other times - I took the banana, my favorite * _ *
On the right can see two examples of "common familiaris"
Ingredients for frozen banana:
1 banana - 1 cup milk
- 2 or 3 ice cubes
put everything in a blender shake eeee shake shake!
good appetite)
Monday, March 22, 2010
What Would A Hiv Rash Look Like
and the title says it all, to you the photos ...
big striped tank top orange juice opaque and semi transparent H & M
tubular jersey striped scarf with fringes H & M
elastic waistband in navy and white stripes (the closure is silver, not red as in photo) ZARA
oversized tee with skull print with tuft xD ZARA
's beautiful shopping center in the morning .. at least there's really no one in Florence (I wrote voleniteri "there really is a dog!" Which means the same thing but gives you the most satisfaction, however, a dog, in fact I've seen it hanging out with the lady from H & M ..)
A lot of cute things from ZARA, very fresh and floral the new collection , H & M is not as exciting but better other times (at least for my rare trips ... I'm more addicted a ZARA).
the next race! ;)
Saturday, March 20, 2010
Goldwell Hair Colour Chart
Tomorrow is the birthday of Bitte! wow! wow! (Not true, it was 17 but is celebrated tomorrow)
Bitte is the dog of my sister's ex .... what a mess ... and today is the birthday of my own ex .......
Roll out one more merciful veil and go ahead!
For the birthday of this wonderful little dog is my gift: magnets! in fact they are more for owners than for the dog, he'll bring the cookies, but it was so much that I wanted him this gift, because they are always so nice to me because you e. ... Obvious.
It is a bit crap, I apologize.
However it is the sister of E. (Always write "the My ex is taking me a little sick ..) his sister's boyfriend and their little E. of cleats, a mid-size pinscher.
Designed to PS CS4 and printed on paper disaster.
For the original design:
I modified and reduced to bones and Zapino, or were too small.
height about 8 cm larger.
Happy first day of spring to all:)
Thursday, March 18, 2010
See Yourself In Different Hair Colors
ok, not really possible .. I
ciaccia on blogs when I'll notice an article entitled "In Denim We Trust - in collaboration with COSMOPOLITAN" link -> ( )
This is a competition for fashion bloggers who can post pictures of their outfits inspired by denim.
To enter the competition but you must register on the site COSMOPOLITAN
and here is the rub .. now, or am I that are particularly unlucky me or the site is clearly taking the piss, because it's half-hour I try to sign up and I can not find a nickname that has not already been taken!
I started with simple things: Irene (not much more than we hoped, but you never know ..), or Althea, or nickname that usually all irespakka .. .. then I started to use things more complicated and absurd as cov "and" tortillachips "until you get to" faimerendacongirella " (Yes, I'm hungry ..) and ending with "messeraprilefailrubacuor" ..
all taken ..
plis, consigliatemi you something, I surrender Right
ps: hurry! time for applications expires on March 20!
Gay Cruising Mobile, Al
sorry .. but what happened to Vogue?
.. ok, it's true, lately I was lost in my sea of \u200b\u200bparanoia and I was completely out from the fashion world by buying from time to time a few more rivistuccia easy ... but I me Vogue Italy remember waaay different! What is most disturbing are the parts written (yes, it is not just advertising xD): What are 'sti fat headlines in languages straniere?? francese, latino e soprattutto magic fa così tanto figo scrivere " rose gold - the ultimate trend " invece che " rosa oro - l'ultima moda "? Va bene che ci dobbiamo integrare, sono la prima a definirmi cittadina del mondo, ma non vedo proprio l'utilità di questo me lo potete spiegare voi altri..
Anche lo stile degli articoli è diverso, se devo proprio dare una definizione oserei dire meno classico..anche se vuol dire ben poco, lo ammetto, però mi piace!
Infine sono stata piacevolmente sorpresa dalla presenza di tante pubblicità di volti magari nuovi, o solo meno noti, del fashion world (visto?? mi sono integrata pure io :D ) Tante faccione sconosciute - almeno a me - che fanno capolino in un grande trampolino di lancio quale una rivista del calibro di Vogue, non è roba da poco..magari io mi ci perdo un po di piu in questi pensieri dal momento che il loro sporco lavoro è quello che vorrei fare io da grande :) e subito parte il film (con un occhio particolare alla parte dei costumi eheh) e vedo la mia vita che scorre a velocità quadrupla e la mia grandissima ascesa come stilista affermata, collezioni, sfilate, foto, interviste, applausi, pubblicità, fama, soldi, soldi, SOLDI MALEDETTI SOLDI
I want to go shopping and buy everything tuttissimo, whatever I became like my own, rob stores, drowning in an ocean of wonderful envelopes stuffed with all those pieces of cloth that make us so crazy
Sorry but the sclera and is a perioduccio I have to vent somehow .. in reality are not so attached to money, only that many avercene for once I would really like to cherish .. But not all for me, no, no, Uncle Scrooge syndrome I leave it to someone ' else, I'd do it many gifts to me and to others, to all those whom I care and particularly to all those who know me (no, not now exaggerating ..) but to friends and family for sure!
For example:
- a nice trip around the world to my grandmother
- a train load of load ... sweet!
for my grandfather - a good psychologist for my father xD
- an unlimited credit card for my sister
- unleash my 13 year old cousin from Accessorize and say, "Take everything you want!"
- a couple of sabbaticals to my uncles (all 4)
- battery and a lot of free time to my (alas) ex
- just great fun with my girlfriend of a life
- to me .. . be able to do all these gifts and many other (perhaps this was the beginning of the list .. Daddy) and then
many other things that I find it hard to list ..
My Aloe Vera is becoming un'Aloe dead .. but this time not my fault, not a lack of green thumb .. unfortunately my grandmother is old and ignorant and when I heard her say "I should transfer the 'Aloe .. " decided to do it .. but if you merely transfer it was all ok .. shame that had the "good" meant to water it!
simulated a monsoon on my map, which she needs very little water even in summer .. winter must be almost dry! So much it sucks all its fat leaves ..
E 'was terrible, I have tried in every way, I tried to change the land, I put on a radiator to dry, however, little girl could not take it .. is a rotten leaf, a few days ago, I removed that dangled pitifully another lifeless, and yesterday I found slumped in his potty and when I removed (gently) by moving the whole earth to look at the situation below the roots .. not keep more and are left abandoned to cruel fate ... the last desperate attempt, I planted it, without roots in the land .. My child was grown, she was gaining weight properly .. for now is holding them, no one knows what will go on but I still hope for a miracle to be able to review well-established and healthy ..
but it will be very difficult ..
Passing subjects more pleased, I should stay home to study and instead go for a walk with two friends!
Monday, March 15, 2010
Can Spoon River Students Live In The Wiu Dorms
E 'again Monday. It 'started another week after a weekend a bit tortured, including heart disease and that the clear sky, with that sun, it almost seems to get his ass: "you've complained about for seven days of the years of shit and now that I finally Florence came to warm lands you have not really wanted to go out, have fun, smile. "
Yes, I is definitely taking the piss. But we fo. A map on one them, a hot shower, a dip in the closet and that new look you never thought to look so perfect giornatina for that. I feel
friend. The problems of the heart not only torment me, and bear them in two (maybe in the open air) is much better than staying at home do it yourself to make the mold.
advance the game of the Florentine + = farms crowded market. I feel like olives.
Yes, walking among the stalls is an art and after half an hour here we are, finally free, in the dirt road overlooking the Arno sbrilluccicante. We finished the ice cream and the tram in the distance like a brucone red / silver begin to list the faults as the old woman who spend hours to criticize the work in progress.
Let's go back and, to a dock, buy € 6 olives (yes, very good, But Sticazzi ..) and we do it in half. The
pratone seems endless and a playground balls and dodging dogs, riusiciamo to carve out a piece of lawn to enjoy a snack (yes, olives) and give us a comforting style sunbathing lemurs of Madagascar. And you talk
: many questions and few, very few answers, you know, love stories are never quite clear, it is correct or that they are finished .. always miss the certainty that if one side makes you go crazy , the other to smile, with a touch of melancholy, the heart. The usual brightness of hope that you find it difficult to evict.
Questions continue as we prepare to take the bus. Arrive at home we score the olives and return, by good cleft, to pay bitter tears in front of "his picture" or "his message." Sadness in spades, yes, but .. at least for now inevitable. Thank goodness there
the wise aunt with her wise advice and his wise groom who remit some order in your confused little head that makes you beat a bit everywhere like a blind moschino.
slump forces, again I feel weak and vulnerable and it appears that the interior work done so far has been totally useless.
seems. It always seems sad and everything bad in these situations, but perhaps all this sadness and all these tears are used to vent a bit, to the bottom .. at the end you feel it, and there are two things: either you get to scratch to go yet Further down (but you know you're so desperate) or you get up and start the climb: at the bottom inside of you then you know that everything passes, to come back to fight.
I think of my mother and the advice he would give me, or just to caress and embrace that I would be consoled.
I think I'm missing.
But I go to sleep with a new awareness and a new smile, a little stronger than yesterday, which will still have much to learn from tomorrow.
E 'on Monday and the sun shines. The lesson is boring and I feel particularly inspired to write. Now that the wait after I've finished the lunch break of SGAM listening to music and playing solitaire, and the other between a yawn. Adieu
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
Ottawa Cruising Spots
... Here we are a new attempt to blog!
How will it end this time? It will be yet another project that sinking after a few months of life (comq all the rest ..) or I can maintain some consistency and to survive my small living space in the grand universe internett?
I believe a little bit and we hope, after so many things have changed lately (in and out of me) that no longer seemed not so impossible to run a thing without losing patience and not just fed up.
Yes, I'm just like (or at least I was ..): top 100 things and did not finish half.
But now it is different .. even if it is I say once again that during my long (so to speak) and intense life, this time I know it will not be like the others .. because the time is different, my spirit is different, my being is different. ..
is different because I want it that way
you may seem trivial, but is it really true that "to want is power," some as far as possible, but I'm not asking mica snack wings so they can go on to chirp branch of a beautiful cherry tree in bloom!
I just asked a feather to fly my mind between words and images and so is