Saturday, April 24, 2010

Performa Washer Noise How To Fix

HELP! Tips & Tricks

TT__TT I can not change the graphics for the blog ... I would like part of the text a bit more large .. and I also want to change the link color, etc. etc. but I did not do it anymore if I choose this model ...
anyone can give me a hand and we understand something of HTML??

.. I feel so particle sodium xD

Friday, April 23, 2010

Can You Use Isopropyl As Mouthwash

While I created my pencil-box-door I went against different problemini and unfortunate events that happen when you have to do with the "sewing".
So I decided to talk about it, to help me (to remember) and you do not commit to at least try to avoid them if ever you find yourself having to sew something. Some

regulate seemingly trivial but I think quite important, affecting the sewing machine and sewing in general, are: •

wire into the sewing machine : When do you need to start sewing so that the main line (not the coil to be clear) is quite long, because as soon as this is when the pedal the machine tends to withdraw a bit, 'and it often happens that begins to sew "empty" and touches you rinfilare the wire!

• Make sure you have room around you may seem obvious but when we get to work the machine is normal gradually accumulate more and more trinkets and knick-knacks, from fili sfusi ai ritagli di stoffa: tutto ciò rischia di attaccarsi alle maniche o rimanere incastrato tra le dita e finire sul lavoro che stiamo facendo, o comunque dare tanto fastidio.

lo scucirino
• Ci sono, però, due cose fondamentali da avere sempre a portata di mano: le forbici e lo scucirino . Dal momento che alla fine di ogni cucitura dovete tagliare il filo è impensabile non avere un paio di forbici per fare il tutto con velocità e precisione..spesso ce le dimentichiamo su un altro tavolo o comunque lontano dalla macchina, e se siete pigroni come me vi farà sicuramente fatica raggiungere tale meta per prenderle, and you'll find yourself trying to rip the wires by hand TERIBBILE! Besides it is pretty hard work because there is harmful to the risk of pulling a long wire and screw it up in no time at all. The other object is the magic scucirino and serves as its name says, to "shell out" quickly. If you have sewn wrong and you'll notice immediately take the scucirino quickly and easily have removed the entire seam.

• Needle and thread : a very important thing when you baste it (ie when, with a basting thread, is sewn by hand the two sides of fabric to be sewn by machine and then, in order to hold them and to sew in right place) .. I was saying, when you sketched a very important thing is the length of the wire! Initially one may think of choosing to put the longer cord so you do not have to change too often .. ERRORISSIMO! Very well make a thread not too short, but need not be absolutely fine if it's too long, because durerete double the effort! In fact, the long wire is more difficult to "manage", rolled up and tie with an impressive ease and above all you'll have to do the "arms" like to swim close to the point .. well, it will be much faster and more accurate work done changing one or two times the thread .. and then there is the proverb: " long spire, seamstress coarse "

• Scissors : sewing I need to have at least two pairs of scissors, a couple normal or children, such as those in the nails, it will also cut protruding wires or small pieces of fabric or of what we're working on. A couple from a seamstress or however big (mine are just a rather large pair of scissors made by IKEA, are not specific but they are very good seamstress) to cut the fabric, because if you try to cut with ordinary scissors is the end .. apart from the fact that it will take forever and then you will not be able to do a clean job and accurate!

• Another very important thing to have is the pincushion! The pins are so thin and small that it is very easy to spread it everywhere and, resting them on a plan, you risk having to throw them down and do a search with a magnifying glass to find them (and they are also rather sparse so dangerous on the floor ..). So a tip pins is ideal, they stuck them over there and when you need it! Also I prefer the pins with the "colored text" because they are easier to handle and, in the event fall, is a bit 'easier to find them!

• Last but not least: the Polytechnic of Milan when I made my first sewing course we have explained the various "rules" that existed in the laboratory (not sew your fingers, do not run with scissors in hand, etc. etc.) and one thing very important was the fact not work with an empty stomach or with the eyelid downward ! In the sense that if you're working on the car and feel a bit the classic gurgling of the stomach is better if you stop, do a little snack break and then return to work: when you do this type of work or where precision is needed , concentration and attention (we're still working with sewing machines, should not be underestimated in terms di pericolosità) è molto importante essere sempre a mente lucida e la fame è uno dei fattori che influenza negativamente la nostra concentrazione! La stessa cosa vale per la stanchezza: se è tanto tempo che lavori e hai gli occhi affaticati o la schiena a pezzi per essere stato ore e ore nella solita posizione, pigia il tasto pausa, vatti a fare una giratina e poi torna a lavoro!

Spero che questi tips siano stati utili, non sono certo finiti qui, ma tornerò più in la sull’argomento!

xoxo Ire

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Top Brazilian Wax Ottawa

namber ciù self-made - the case

con le matitine coloratine

In spite of what I had written a few posts ago, this self-made will not speak of prints on tees, are unfortunately not progressed very far with the projects, and will have to wait a little longer.
Rather, last night, taken by an attack of art worthy of Mucciaccia, I packed a box!
Yes, a very simple case, because I recently bought back the colored pencils (I used until recently as a friend of mine) and to make it all much more personalized fashion and I decided to make me well again the case!

I took the chance because I had advanced a bit of cloth leopard (always on the shopping-bag found on the cosmopolitan and I also made this staple ) and I liked it too much ' matching "leopard / green water" (the color of the large scrap of cloth that I bought last week). So I made the commitment and totally by chance I could create something pretty decent, the right size (no small thing!) and even cute!
repeat: I did everything at random and for the first time, was an experiment, and eventually I became aware of the various mistakes I made and things that could be done better (unfortunately you always realize it at the end) but as they say 'wrong is learned "the most important thing is not to redo the same mistakes! ;)

Then my friend (the pencils) seeing traf MODIFY with the stuff I asked them something, not a specific thing, but just something .. So taking the various scraps of cloth too small to be used to create some (apparently) and too big to throw, I stopped to watch a little bit and I finally decided to do the first thing that came to mind! This is called the "pocket-all"! My friend has since decided to be his "pocket-gums and candies abstract, from the moment that are more scattered in the bag. I have not finished yet, I want to do a nice work when the place is ready.

velcro closure

xoxo Ire

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Audiovox Walkie Talkie Instructions

another giveaway!

Well yes! Also participates in third giveaway! This time the author is
Hot Child In The City for grabs and there are a nice pair of earrings with a pendant in the shape of the Eiffel Tower (lately he has not seen for anything around, eh?;) And a necklace with gold pendant shaped like a peace sign (this unfortunately you can see very little ..).
To participate you can find instructions in English among the comments to the previous post, I asked her directly the author since his blog is entirely in German and I do not understand a damn thing!
then Peace Love is infinite joy and good luck to all those who participate in this giveaway!

xoxo Ire

Monday, April 19, 2010

Muscle Spasms At Waist

lot of vintage clothes

WE LoVe Vin Tage!

Street Mission want to take a certain vintage lately, so I rispulciato the closet to pull out all my purchases (more or less recent) vintage.
Let's start with handbags.

raffia clutch (?) Interwoven with colorful pendants beads (details) bought by ANGELO @ Vintage Selection 2010 Florence

normal skin very red shoulder bag, made in a vintage shop in Via degli Alfani can not remember the name - another leather strap outlet on ebay

bag in leather and cotton for embroidery, bought by my mother about 15 years ago in Guatemala (or Costa Rica. .. or Honduras In short there) and packed by the "natives" of the place. E 'in very good condition, if you think that has been used continuously for the past 15 years! It 's a delle mie borse preferite anche se non si può abbinare con tanti tipi di abbigliamento.
Si può considerare vintage, vero? ;)

continuiamo con i vestiti.

tipo polo @ Beggar Len (via Reginaldo Giuliani) - giacchetto in velluto spalmato (xD non so nemmeno se esiste 'na cosa del genere [vergognati! dovresti saperlo!!!] ehm..) era di mia zia e gliel'ho gentilmente rubato ^^

Giacchetto di pelle color crema preso a un banchino (no, non mi I remember what it's called .. s got a terrible memory) @ Vintage Selection 2010 Fi - Golf @ Beggar Len

vest jersey of something synthetic (the imaginary descriptions xD) of VDP ( Via Delle Perle ) that belonged .. guess what? Be at my aunt! has become my main source of vintage since it tends to keep clothes forever 30 years ago and then give them to me! Auntie hooray! :) - And finally got another sweater always better to shop via degli Alfani!

That's it, but will soon be a thickening My personal tour of the vintage shops of Florence! (And why not, a visit to my aunt xD)

PS: For the first time in my life I am participating in two wonderful giveaway: the first is Fashion Pearl Of Wisdom that is giving away a beautiful Chanel particuliere and the second is Bloominvogue that will give the winner a purse and jewelry all signed Primark! Good luck to you all!

xoxo Ire

Friday, April 16, 2010

November 2, 1922the Washington Post

DIY craze

or Do It Yourself!
Yes, it is spring, wake up girls, April Messer does heartthrob fashion blogger!
because I noticed that lately the warmer breeze and sparkling exits out the creative in us, and perhaps also because of the portfolios for mercy, the fashion bloggers around the world strives to edit, cut, reassemble and renovate the old garments in the back of drawers most remote of your closets! So
scissors, needle & thread to hand off! Me too, although not exactly a fashion bloggers (say that falls under the category "random blogger" or, put more down to earth, "one who writes a lot of senseless stuff and often useless) I attempt often with the tools of the trade, and this time I took the chance of cloning many blogger buddies and create shorts from old jeans!

will be at least 5 years I had this pair of jeans and thought about what to do.
Finally I've got something done:)
have an old pair of rather high energy for life and belonged to my mother, when she was young and thin (as I always told her) and since it did not put them more decided to give it to me ..
was like the era of super mammoth's leg and life does not exist, so my kid's eyes lined with Speck Alto Adige there saw nothing but a nice flight in the same basket. While
now that I'm grown up (so to speak ...) and I started getting serious about a culture with style blog as The Sartorialist and children, I picked up the infamous pants and I have turned!
I'm pretty happy with the result, I only used a pair of scissors, it seems that the implication that he may judge without being sewn, and also the way I are.
I was convinced that the pants / shorts / whatever with a high waist instead I was being very badly and I had to think again!
I've paired with a beige canottierina (not part of the above interest me that much) and
I put a caramel-colored leather belt that I bought recently.
But it's still too early to only came out with these clothes just because the damn cold is still not completely gone away, so I ask assistance to you to suggest ideas to signed short of a few outfits not too light!

vest - BRANDY
belt - ZARA
They seem to have one leg shorter than the other, but in reality I have to cut well, it's just an effect of laying

xD Now I greet you, I'm going to pass this dull Friday night in a pub of this silly silly town!

xoxo Ire

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Wedding Wordings In Tamil

here I am:) the exam went well, I'm more than satisfied, especially because I have not committed so much, then I can not complain.
But now we move to models of clothes I had in mind to do with the stuff I bought yesterday.

bustier dress with tiered skirt and shaped bodice - sleeve jumpsuit with asymmetric

very low-cut cocktail dress;) - Empire-style dress skirt with a fancy boat and monospallina

Here .. designs are not that great .. I just did a sketch, more than anything else I wanted to see how they make with the fabric so I applied Photoshop .. et voila!

What do you think? My first idea was the last, but drawing drawing came out so many other ideas and now my favorite is the first:)

'm going to take a shower that are out to dinner, maybe the next post will be a review of restaurant where I go to eat xD

xoxo Ire

Monday, April 12, 2010

Blueprints For A Home Made Rat Cage

disco music & relax

my uncle had burned a few CDs, two great mix, such as cheese already grated, including lots of disco music that, to tell the truth, not I never regret ..
and the notes of Black is Back by La Belle Epoque I start writing this new post.

I just finished my little book for the examination of product category textiles of tomorrow and I also tidied up the mess he had made my room uninhabitable. Already there
casino when I do nothing (which is very rare because I always do something) let alone when they are dancing to cut cardstock, sticky sheets, fabric samples to choose .. in other words, the important thing is that I have always done all .. 'Last time eh xD
Perhaps you are wondering what dark matter is merceologia .. nothing dark, quiet, it is simply to study the various fabrics, fibers from which the armor, the chassis and stuff . For this review I had to make a book choosing 15 images on a theme (I chose the "shorts") and choose base ai tessuti, tutti diversi, e ovviamente studiare la teoria!
Non ci ho messo molto, diciamo anche che me la sono presa piuttosto comoda, e spero che vada bene. Domani sapremo il verdetto..pauraaa Dx

Oggi mentre ero alla ricerca degli ultimi tessuti, nella mia merceria di fiducia (per chi fosse interessato ad acquistare stoffa a Firenze, si chiama "8 rosso" in Piazza Dalmazia, nella stradina dove la mattina ci fanno il mercato), insomma ero li e mi sono imbattuta in un grande cesto di scampoli in vendita a 5 euro e sono stata colpita da due stoffe e in men che non si dica avevo gia il vestito stampato nella retina!! si tratta di uno scampolo (veramente enorme) di cotone fine color verde acqua scuro (piu o meno) e uno scampolo piu piccolo di viscosa a fantasia floreale e li ho pagati ciascuno 5 euro!! un affarone visto che è veramente tanta stoffa! e poi è stato amore a prima vista non potevo mica lasciarli lì!!

ho tentato una scansione perchè la mia macchina fotografica è super scarica!!

Insomma, ora vado un po a rilassarmi e a fare uno spuntino, domani probabilmente posterò il disegno del vestito che ho in mente di fare!

concludo in bellezza con I will survive by Gloria Gaynor
(che sia un pronostico per l'esame di domani?? xD )

xoxo Ire

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Custom Jordan Baseball Cleat

lovely new graphics

We have no confusion with the title, in reality little has changed .. only the header!

few days ago I was wandering on DeviantArt when, among the new artists that I keep deviation between the + watch I find a great photo of a skilled Italian photographer who "observe" a few months ago, and I liked it so much that I asked permission to use it for my blog! The photographer is
Meppol and the original image that I used as the head of this blog is ! The title is
fairytale and in fact one of the first thoughts that come to mind watching this picture is just a place enchanted, enthralled, where nature thrives and away from disfigurements that man, unfortunately, is capable of doing ..
The second thought was the perfume, a delicate fragrance that is able to adopt this wonderful image .. ok I'm doing a lot involved xD but you know that artists are people who are particularly sensitive)

In short, the sun shines by 4 days (although my grandmother continues to say "yeah, but says he returns tomorrow to the bad weather .."), warmer air is filling and fresh scents and, alas, insettacci of evil, and all This does nothing but scream a hymn to spring, so I have given the contribution to this summer with an image suitable to give a touch of freshness, but at the same time maintaining a dignified simplicity, this blog!

All this spring I put in a good mood: I wish you all a wonderful weekend!

xoxo Ire

Thursday, April 8, 2010

How To Get Started On Mpc2000xl

self-made namber uan

Today I finally finished my last little creations!

'Tis some years now that mess with beads, bracelets, earrings and stuff, and every so often (taaaanto) comes out something nice.
These are my jewels. " (click image to enlarge) Earring # 1 : semitransparent cylindrical beads of various pastel colors.
Earring # 2: Very simple, two black beads and two white pearls alternate.
Earring # 3: same style as the first, this time with bronze seed beads and pearls in three different sizes translucent pink flesh
Bow Brooch # 1: It is the largest of a series of three-bow brooches made with fabric leopard suede slightly (made from a small shopping bag that I found long ago on COSMOPOLITAN) size 15x8, 5 cm (the average and the small 8x2 11x5 cm, 5 cm)
Bow Brooch # 2: same as before, but black and cotton, 16.5 cm x8
Bracelet # 1: charm bracelet fatto con quello che ho trovato in casa xD catenina di base color oro, anellini in bronzo, due fiocchetti di nastro blu cobalto, un ciondolino a forma di corona color oro con strass blu, vari bottoni dorati e con finte perle. Primo esperimento per lo stile " charm ", ne sto facendo un altro per mia cugina..quando è finito lo posterò.
Bracelet #2 : è elastico (nei limiti..) perchè si tratta di perline, indiane color giallo pulcino opache, argento e rosa trasparente, media grandezza color rosa fuxia e perla e tre perle grandi, cucite su una base di... collant ! proprio così, era un pezzo di calza trovato chissà dove e che inspired me to this bracelet. My favorite one ♥

The next self-made prints will be on the tee!

xoxo Ire

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Solution For Nadi Dosh

sea sea sea ...

wanted to get as much ... ..!

first day on the beach in 2010! I my weird & friends we took advantage of the beautiful day to enjoy a bit of relaxation on the beach at Viareggio, and we were not the only ones!
I do not know how people can prefer winter to summer, I think I could spend hours and hours even when doing nothing, just my feet in the water (nice read ..) or, as they say in Florence, "in bug "(read: to Baho ) on the beach, or eating ice cream, or stroll along the waterfront but also in cities around the center or to the market or a picnic in a beautiful pratone green shade of a tree, a few clothes, so watermelon, a few chills, lots of tan, little rain, lots of sun (it is also true that there is also "little snow, lots of mosquitoes" .. but since I do not like particolarente go skiing / snowboarding can gloss over the latter view )
in short, has run realized that I prefer the summer?

but I want to make clear that those are not exaggerated just check a ray of sunshine you spread the cream and put them in bikinis (there are some who plunges ° o °) although it is still 6 April and the sea breeze can make you shoot the goose bumps .. no no, it's okay to feel the sweatshirts to the sea but the two are holding me .. luckily after we put the tent sheltering the beach breeze and the sun is not evil but I put granted a jeans and tank top because in fact it was also so

enough talking! I want the
estateeeeeeee alive forever estateeeeeee estateeeeeeeeee
yes, maybe a bit of spring .. But the best is
estateeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee !!!!!!


about it I put a sondaggino to find out the season preferite dei/delle blogger
fatelo fatelo!! :)


Saturday, April 3, 2010

Can Benzos Cause Impotence

outfit on the dancefloor all

ooooh è un po che non effetti non ho molto da dire, la depressione mi sta lacerando l'anima e non so se passo piu tempo a piangere o a imprecare, ma passerà anche questa.

Ieri sera sono stata allo YAB (.......) per il compleanno della mia amichetta e ho sfoggiato un look nuovo, almeno per me, ma ho notato che è stato adottato da gran parte delle donzelle presenti on the dancefloor.
lipperlì non ho pensato a fare foto decenti per farvi vedere il mio outfit quindi queste sono quelle dove si vede meglio la mise

striped long sleeve shirt - BRANDY
high-waisted skirt -?? was my aunt, was longer and wider so I modified according to my measurements
Too bad you can not see the shoes: open toe with cobalt blue peep toe hidden - ZARA (aka the secret of my apparent height )

that's it.

As for the evening .. teribbile people and decent music, fun little

I need to know new people Dx